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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

An algorithm for creating an outfit.

Purchasing clothing, particularly a suit, is not an everyday issue for people, and therefor it becomes the role of the retailer to facilitate, inform and guide people through the process. The retailer must use their knowledge of styling (matching appropriate colours, details, textures, a garment's meaning), product performance, fit etc., to meet the customer's specific needs.

The algorithm above charts a very basic process of creating a suit outfit, from suit to shirt to tie to shoes, the process focuses on narrowing down the large number options available in store.

The motivation for this process came from a very ambitious staff member of mine, who had worked in womanswear. She had huge energy, styling ability and understood the process of creating an outfit; the issue which arouse was she wasn't narrowing down options to the customer's (Man's) needs or potential desires. The customer's 'need' was for one suit, potentially a deal could be made for two or three suits which related to different needs, though the sales person was giving the customer four different outfit options for the one need. People love the idea of options (to compare details to best suit their needs, or the ability to have one product do many things), though giving customers (particularly Men) too many options that do one thing, at the point of sale can confuse and alienate them. The sales person needs to present a solution with the customer's specific need in mind.